Becoming a minimalist of sorts.


The last year or so for my family some could argue has been lapped in luxury. No I don't drive a BMW or eat caviar and drink fine wines, but as a simple middle class family we enjoy eating out 2-3x a week, buying hoards of junk food, candy bars and expensive cuts of meat, I buy a minimum of 3 bags of chips to sustain my family of 5 weekly and personally drink about 3 sodas daily. If I want chocolate cake, or Mexican food for dinner, well I get what I want. These last few weeks The Lord has been working on me and my so-called lavish lifestyle and my ever growing debt and insistent need for "things"... Then I read about a minimalist mother who inspired me and make me take a closer look. I took this excerpt from

"Minimalism is more of a process of living than a destination in life. It is something that must continually be worked on in order to maintain an uncomplicated, clutter-free existence and live a minimalistic lifestyle. Because the vast majority of the world seems to believe that wealth and happiness is attained with material possessions, there are constantly a number of influences that will complicate things for the person trying to live a minimalistic lifestyle. "

That pretty much hits the nail on the head. From food to clothing, to fancy cars, to obsessive career paths that we let consume who we are. All to achieve a better way of life, a better tomorrow when in actuality I feel like we are just sucking the value out of tomorrow because we are too worried about what we can gain today. So my family, our journey begins. Our first step, we are cutting back on is our eating out and obsessive junk food spend binging and putting it towards credit cards until our bills are paid down. We will spend a set amount on groceries each month around $20-$30 a week cutting back to an occasional bag of chips, as that's definitely not a necessity. I'm excited about my minimalist journey. I'm not expecting it to be perfectly easy but I'm expecting it to be easily perfecting! I realized today though I'd rather be a poor poor minimalist eating beans and rice than a rich person unhappy and self absorbed or a person intent and content on freeloading. There are families all over the globe living off of $1 a day. Im shooting around $5 a day. So I raise this can of diet coke and the crumbs left In my last bag of cheetohs and say, cheers!!! I'm off to find a better more inspired me. 

Until Next time, 
The modest mom 

Learning to ask for directions.

I think it's a fault most of us cling to,.... the idea we know where we are going and to ask for any other input other than what is bottled up inside of our smart little heads would be simply absurd.

As a mother, I attempt to teach my children basic learning skills such as, "Ask before you get a drink of milk so this can be prevented Emy." As I'm wiping up a gallon of 2% milk spilled into every crevice of my kitchen floor. I look at the curly blonde headed girl with hair twisted and sticking in every direction staring back at me with icy blue eyes that would penetrate your soul and the innocence in her little voice managing barely a creak. "But I thought you were too busy, and I was so thirsty I couldn't stand it."

There is was. A reflection of myself. Thinking to myself, even if I was slightly busy doing the dishes or folding laundry. She knows not once has mommy ever let her go thirsty. She just knew that in order to get the results she wanted which was indeed prompt action and forgo having to wait, she knew what she must do. She must do it herself. As the old saying goes its better to ask for forgiveness than permission.

Oh the little lessons in everyday life that have me laughing at the hypocrisy in myself. One of these little learning moments which make me realize, that the strong will of that little girl comes very deeply rooted in her DNA. As a matter of fact, that little girl is me.

More often than not I find myself in a puddle of milk in the floor looking up and asking my Creator, "Why?" Or justifying my situation as, "Well I couldn't wait any longer so I thought you wanted me to do something!" I make a mess of my life more often than I should thinking that I know exactly where I need to be. Or how to get what I want.

About a year ago, I had a crazy notion that I want to go back to school. I had all these ideas to fix a life and happiness that I was convinced was broken. So I pursued school, without thoroughly consulting with the One I should have to begin with. Lets just say I asked for directions but was already a 1/2 mile down the road before He had a chance to open His mouth.  I threw all caution to the wind and gave up my 100% stay-at-home-mom status and I chugged myself full steam ahead through school, getting a job, establishing a career I had always wanted and creating a financial burden on myself that I didn't feel the slightest bit concerned about until the day it dawned on me, I had pushed my family aside, I had pushed my children aside and all I was learning was simply how to live a self consumed, materialistic, life for me. "The American Dream." (shudder) Not to say the direction I had been traveling was necessarily a bad direction, I'm convinced now it was more in HOW I traveled this direction. Are there things I wish I could take back when the burden of my choices sit on my chest like a concrete block? Yes. However, the more time I spend with my God the more the solution becomes more clear.

 I had simply fallen into a kind of selfish, depressed sort of living thinking the world absolutely owed me something, digging myself into a financial burdensome hole trying to use material possessions to satisfy my hungry disobedient soul. Until one day I was asking God. "How am I going to patch things up this time, I've really made a stink of things." When he brought the incident to mind of spilled milk. Life is about learning to ask for directions. It's about learning that sometimes we must wait for our glass of milk. Sometimes God isn't ready to put us where he wants us to be. Or frankly sometimes we aren't ready to be where God needs us to be, and when we go on our own taking the road we think we need to travel just because we get tired of waiting it sometimes is just a way to take the long way around. 

That's not to say we don't make a mess in the process. But luckily Jesus is there to wipe away the spilled milk mess, just expect maybe a little bit of scolding in the process, but love too reminding us he's never let us go thirsty before and He's not about to start now.  There however is a good chance our kitchens might smell sour and our glass of milk we craved so longingly is delayed even further until Mom can get to the store to buy more. But He's there to reassure us that he will provide us what we need when the time is right. Not when we think it is. So the next time the burn and thirst of this world overtake my throat I think instead of asking for forgiveness, I've decided from here on out I think I'll just try to learn and ask for directions.

Signing off,
The Modest Mom

Whoever said being a stay-at-home-mom/homeschooling teacher was easy obviously has never tried it!

So as I sit here behind my laptop sipping my warm coffee and have hopefully five minutes to spare while my fingers type as quickly as they can possibly move the thought comes to my mind "i must've been crazy!" Just as quickly as it enters my mind with another sip of coffee I'm able to push it aside.

This year I attempted something rather ambitious if I do say so myself. I decided I would be a full time stay-at-home-mom AND a full time homeschooling teacher to my 7 year old. Wow, let me say this... if you think either of those jobs are a piece of cake,.. I'll trade you one day in my life! Haha! Easy--no,.. rewarding--of course! Homeschooling has taught me more about myself than about phonics I think! haha! It has tested my patience, it has forced me to work through problems head on until they are solved and its helped me to learn how to multitask for sure! 

Whoever came up with the sterotype that stay-at-home-mothers sit around, watch soap operas and eat bon-bons all day has obviously never been one. If you question how much context is put into my day here is a sampler from the menu: 

I change a childs clothes at least 3 times. 
I change a minimum of 10 dirty diapers a day. 
I wash a minimum of 2 loads of laundry daily =average 14 loads per week. 
I am responsible for a meal 12x a day (4 peoplex3meals)
I am responsible for getting at least 8 snacks prepared daily.
I teach all subjects, including morals when my kids decide its fun to throw sand in each others eyes. 
I read stories, I conduct science experiments and grade papers. 
I have to constantly remind a 7 year old he indeed CAN NOT play his games right now for 1,200 time in 24 hours. 
I have to yield off a 3 year old that's constantly bored and "hungry or thirsty" despite her 3 daily snacks and 3 full meals and a baby that thinks being sat down is the end of the world and lastly I'm pretty sure its been been so long I forgot how apply eyeliner haha! 

And my list could go on so long that I'm pretty sure it could have its own blog topic!! 

Is homeschooling a job, YES! Is it rewarding, YES. Are there days I want to switch jobs with my husband, YES! Homeschooling was a decision we thought out very thoroughly and I don't regret it at all. To have the freedom of training up my children and their rearing be my sole responsibility is a huge reward. I love that. Homeschooling has forced us to work on relationships.. its forced us to recognize where problems are and to work on them. Are we close to be refined? Of course not.. are we ever even as a adults for that matter! 

Today I feel like society in general lacks a certain amount of respect, families lack a certain amount of closeness. We have all this technology and somehow instead of bringing us together, its really tearing us apart as we don't talk to people, we email,.. we distance ourselves from the actual person.

Update July 5,2013

This blog was left unpublished even though it was written approximately 2 years ago! I was amazed and Inspired when I came across it! Sometimes The Lord knows exactly the direction you were needing and who would've thought I found it inside an old blog post. I want this woman back! This woman who was concerned more about growth and sacrifice no matter what it took! This woman was strong determined and focused... Alot can change in two years, alot can falter,.. Sometimes we need to be brought back to reality in a sobering manner... Today I'm thankful I found this. And I'm inspired to find this woman in myself again... 

Signing off today, 
The Modest Mom