I need a bigger house.

As soon as those words escaped my lips, I felt automatic shame. Why do I need a bigger house? To store more of my unnecessary stuff of course... Then it dawned on me. Why do we hold onto stuff?

Some reasons I have held onto items in my life:

For the assumption I will surely need this one day? Possibly yes, but unless someday is in the next 6 months to a year do you really still need it? We hold onto things we think may save us a buck or two down the road, or maybe that extra coffee pot that sits under the counter just in case you get a whim to make coffee for a houseful of guests you've not had in over 3 years. I don't need that, and I'm sure if I donate the item I'll have immediate remorse and crave a huge ol pot of coffee right? Why do we do this as humans... We have had the coffee pot for years and only used it a handful of times but know if we rid ourselves of it we will need it. 

Another big reason I've held onto something, to please my family. Now hear me out before offense sets in. Oh that teddy bear was given to you by your great aunt Bertha, given it's 6 feet tall and 4 feet wide we absolutely can't get rid of that it will hurt her feelings!! Why is it when someone bestows a gift to you, it's not okay to bestow that same gift to someone else? Maybe the teddy bear has given our family so much joy and we no longer have the space and there is not as much love going around toward the bear that there once was.. Is it not okay to share that love? To give that excitement to someone less fortunate? It amazes me how we think that teddy bear should never leave the home, should always be the centerpiece and never replaced. The truth of the matter is that things are replaced, children outgrow wonders of things they once loved and move on to different awe Inspiring things. The truth of the matter isn't the item, it is the memory. And the belief that somehow that bear will bring us back in a place in time that we once were. You may call me calloused and non sentimental but hear me out, I have very few things from my childhood. I have enough things to fill up one small grey tote, those things include picture albums, a couple stuffed toys, some cheerleading Pom poms, a porcelain doll, and a few trophies. Although I enjoy looking and reminiscing about these items I feel no loss in items I remember but so graciously have passed on to others. Such as I had a 3ft tall life size Barbie doll! That doll was my best friend years! We danced, we played, I ultimately cut all her hair off! Ha! She brought me so much joy! Am I sad that my mother didn't save her until she was dry rotted to pass down to my girls?? Heavens no!! Do I remember her? Yes! Let's move on. 

My point is simply this. Things are things! Items are to be loved but not to become our true love! Today as I ached for a larger house to store more of my stuff I thought to myself... Really Amanda? What are a couple items you can think of that your children TRULY cherish right now. The list is as so...

Caedence- first would be his stuffed pup cliffy. He has had that since he was 3. Secondly his "thing right now" is his Pokemon cards. 

Emery- first would be her "angry bird" collection set. Second might be her dress up bag. 

Quinn- First would be her baby doll, any of them for that matter. Second would be her play kitchen and doll stroller.  

As you can see this list is minimal. I can promise you their rooms contain a lot more than this list... Let's take it up a notch 

How many things off the top of my head appliance like do I own but haven't used in the last 6 months... 
😳 I'm honestly embarrassed to say.... So I'll leave you wondering..

My point is we have to get to a point(and by we I mean ME,) that we allow ourselves to enjoy our items without thinking we need our items.. I clean out quite a bit. But after today I've realized I always surface clean.. I'm really afraid to get rid of something to offend or hurt someone ... Or because I THINK I need it. Everything I need is in my Lord and my family.. I don't need a big house filled with things. I need to remember that simplicity is okay. And I'm sure The Lord would want me to remember giving things, even if they were a gift or once brought us joy, should be bestowed to others and not hoarded in a closet with some hope they will bring me happiness later on in life. 

Sometimes I think I have to verbalize these things to myself just as an affirmation I remember them. 

Hopefully this revelation will begin me on a journey of giving more, storing less and enjoying my small space of love and home that was blessed to us! 

Until next time. 
The modest mom