Lets start with Pinterest, I can find myself spending countless hours browsing recipes I'll undoubtely never make, gorgeously organized polished homes I'll never own and crafty amazing creations I'll probably buy the materials for but never create...
Facebook,.. oh beautiful facebook.. I will spend hours surfing and reading, looking at profiles of pictures of cute mom's with their new hair and date nights and those moms bagless eyes and perfectly manicured children while mine are sporting 8-hour old spagetti crust face and I honestly found a piece of a sucker in my 6 year olds pig tail and guess what I didn't take my pajamas off today much less paint on an entire face of makeup and beautiful mascara that makes your lashes look about 6 feet long.
While I'm on hating the internet world let me hate google, it will undoubtly pull up the fact there is not only a deadly flu outbreak but I'm sure within the next 72 hours it will convince me I have a rare cyst in my stomach lining that causes me nausea when there is a full moon. Guess what, it's deadly.
I miss the day of mail order catalogs and the fact that I didn't have to see that perfectly manicured mom's superhuman abilities so up close. Instead here I am with dark circles, frizzy unbrused hair, guess what I did take off my pajamas only to put on a clean pair for the next night. I envy the mother who has their children in bed at 8:30 sharp, has dusted ceiling fans, no dirty laundry and still has time to do her makeup.
How does she manage such superhuman abilities,.... I managed to only have to throw away one sippy cup of curdled milk today, I got one room vaccumed and I actually do manage to have a clean pair of pajamas to put on, but it's almost 9 and my kids havent even considered the word bed,... 😴😴 and I'm too tired to even think.
So to the moms who have ever sprayed febreeze on a dirty jacket, didn't answer the door because you were afraid it was TLC ready to film a new season of Hoarders or put on a hat because you lost your hairbrush a minimum of 3 days ago, raise your glass because your not alone!!
So to the moms who have ever sprayed febreeze on a dirty jacket, didn't answer the door because you were afraid it was TLC ready to film a new season of Hoarders or put on a hat because you lost your hairbrush a minimum of 3 days ago, raise your glass because your not alone!!
Guess I'll Google one more time how to organize life... couldn't hurt right?
The Modest Mom
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