Switching gears...

One of the hardest things I've discovered about our transitioning me back to stay at home is the ability to switch gears. It seems like I find myself constantly rushing. Rushing kids to eat breakfast, rushing to clean the house, rushing to school, rushing home, rushing here to this appointment or that priority. Yesterday during all the chaos The Lord brought building blocks to my mind. No I'm not crazy just hear me out. He just said "build blocks" at first I thought.. Are you kidding me? I have laundry, dishes, this and that to clean and do. But being the unhappy "obedient" daughter I was attempting to be, asked my two year old if she wanted to build blocks. She cheerfully agreed and we dug the dusty blocks out of the closet and started to build. I looked up and caught this face. 
This face was looking back at me across from her block tower. So proud. My heart sank as I realized I couldn't remember the last time I sat down and played blocks or anything for that matter with her. We built towers, we knocked down towers, we laughed we played. 

I realized I tend to find myself usually either wanting mom time, or doing what I always assumed was serving my family, by cleaning, cooking, tending to their daily needs when I realized I maybe had neglected the one thing I should have focused on more,.... time. Time is a tricky thing. We are convinced we have plenty of it. When I'm starting to realize this is nothing but a lie from the enemy. Don't get me wrong coffee alone is glorious, a clean tidy house is wonderful! But sometimes we need to set down our cups of coffee or bottle of pine sol to look at the face staring at us on the other side of their block tower. Too soon their face will just be a memory we have. I'm thankful The Lord brings me little teachable moments on busy days. I've been in high gear for close to 12 months, so it's going to be an adjustment switching it to low gear but I am thrilled I haven't waited until my children are grown to realize I need this. I need to set my cruise control and enjoy these small moments. Not for just my children but for me, and my soul. I want my kids to remember ME and my love for them, Not that they always had clean socks...

Blessings again,
The modest Mom 

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